I have been studying my statistics, and it is taking almost all of my "free" time. I am left with a bit of time for my son, and my wife... but little else. Here is some of what I have been wanting to post:
From the official guild to Howard County, Md: "Tucked between Baltimore and Washington, Howard County boasts a distinct and thriving collection of communities, old and new, stable and growing."
From explorehoward.com: Linda Brown (above), owner of Triadelphia View Farm, sitting, and her friend, Gayle Crouch, enjoyed their weekends this past summer painting this barn quilt that is more than 8-feet square and is a semi-original design. It is the first barn quilt in the county.
From sussexnaturally.blogspot.com:
The beautiful pattern (above), selected for the Sussex County Farmer's Market was skillfully hand painted by Lauren Brodhecker of Brodhecker Farm. In addition to the Barn Quilt pattern which adorns the SC Farmer's Market, Lauren has hand painted a second quilt pattern which will soon be displayed at the family's farm in Hampton Township. The following counties are now listed separately on the New Jersey Barn Quilt Web Site (http://www.njbarnquilts.com/): Middlesex, Sussex, and Warren.
North Carolina has another county affiliated with the Quilt Trails of Western North Carolina.