Sunday, April 25, 2010

Imaginations = $1,000.00

Located in Fremont, Nebraska, is a company that many quilters know as Accuquilt, and they are a part of the larger AccuCut family of stores. Accuquilt has come up with a great promotion... a contest to select a quilt pattern for a 20' x 20' quilt block to be mounted on the company headquarters. That is 20 feet x 20 feet which would make this one of the largest, if not the largest barn quilt. The winner of this contest will receive $1,000.00 worth of Accuquilt merchandise, and a trip for two to Fremont. Complete contest rules can be found on their website:

They are looking for images (.pdf, .jpg, .gif or .eps format), and there is a 2nd place, and 3rd place winner, so get out the crayons or Electric Quilt and sharpen your imagination. Entries must be received before midnight, May 14th.

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